Place: Brno - Bohunice - CAMPUS
General projector: AiD team, a.s.
Range of activities: ZTI, GAS, engineering nets
Degree: DSP
Realization year: 2020
Place: Olomouc
General projector: Architects s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, engineering nets
Realization year: 2016-2017
Place: Valtice
General projector: SENAA architekti, s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, engineering nets
Realization year: 2014
Place: Čejkovice
General projector: SENAA architekti, s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, engineering nets
Realization year: 2014
Place: Praha - Újezd
General projector: SENAA architekti, s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, engineering nets
Realization year: 2014
Place: Kořenov
General projector: SENAA architekti, s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, engineering nets
Realization year: 2015
Place: Nemocnice Kyjov
General projector: LT PROJEKT a.s.
Range of activities: sanitary equipment setting arrangement, areal engineering nets
Realization year: 2015
Place: Brno Koliště, Vlhká
General projector: Archicon, s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, engineering nets
Realization year: 2010
Place: Jihlava
General projector: Archicon, s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, areal engineering nets
Realization year: 2010
Place: Uherské Hradiště, Rochus
General projector: ATELIER RA-DOST
Range of activities: sanitary equipment setting arrangement
Realization year: 2014
Place: sev.okraj horní vodní nádrže Nové Mlýny
General projector: 1.Černopolní, s.r.o.
Range of activities: sanitary equipment setting arrangement
Realization year: 2012 - 2013
Place: Milovice
General projector: Arch.Design, s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, engineering nets
Realization year: 2011
Place: Jinačovice u Brna
General projector: 1. ČERNOPOLNÍ
Range of activities: gas installing - propan butan, site drainage
Realization year: 2012
Place: Valtice
General projector: AiD team, a.s.
Range of activities: ZTI, engineering nets
Degree: DPS
Realization year: 2016-2017
Place: Praha 6 - Vokovice
Supplier: GEMO OLOMOUC, spol. s r.o.
Range of activities: sanitary equipment setting arrangement, gas installing
Certificate: LEED PLATINUM
Realization year: 2017 - 2018
Place: Brno - střed
General projector: Atelier RAW s.r.o.
Supplier: Obchodní společnost CAMASTRO, a.s.
Range of activities: sanitary equipment setting arrangement, gas installing
Realization year: 2016
Place: Kuřim
General projector: 1. ČERNOPOLNÍ
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, areas of engineering activities
Realization year: 2008 - 2009
Place: Praze 8 - Libeň
General projector: Porr, a.s.
Range of activities: sanitary equipment setting arrangement
Realization year: 2012
Place: Uherské Hradiště, ulice Hradební
General projector: Archicon, s.r.o.
Range of activities: ZTI, gas installing, including connections
Realization year: 2010 - 2012